Senior Javascript Developer

During these +5 years, I've learned and experienced latest javascript libraries and frameworks such as react, vue.js, webpack, babel, etc.

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Python/Flask/Django Expert

The world of agile development requires full-stack developers so I started and have worked on backend languages such as Flask/Django based on python.

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Testing + Version Control

Prepare test cases, automate testing, deploy on github/gitlab, branches and merge, and etc.

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My projects

For +5 years, I've worked and participated on several small and medium websites development. Also I've learned and experienced design patterns and software architectures.

Traders Toolbox - $8k+

Built with React + ASP.NET Core 3.1, provides trading loss and profits with nice charts, sheets, analysis, and so on.

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ML Toolbox - $6k+

Built with React + Flask, allows customers to compose trainers and transformations using sci-kit, neural network, and etc.

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My SpeedCam - $4k+

Built with React + Django, listing photos and details such as speed of vehicles captured mySpeedCamera.

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Design patterns & Software architectures

Front end and backend design patterns, Web services using SOAP, microservices, REST APIs, and SOLID design patterns.

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